Object Oriented Development Secret You May Not Know

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Object Oriented Development Secret You May Not Know

Object oriented development is one of the most essential and widely used programming techniques today. No matter what programming languages you use, they all support object oriented application development. For example, Java, PHP, .NET, Ruby, Python, etc.

1. Object oriented development definition

Object oriented development is a technique that allows programmers to create objects in code that abstracts practical objects in real life.
Definition of object oriented development

2. Basic theories of object oriented development

Object oriented development life cycle includes 4 rudimentary theories that are Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Abstraction respectively.
Basic theories of object oriented programming
  • Encapsulation: is demonstrated by how objects and methods are related to encapsulation into small classes. In the meantime, it is built to perform a specific function. It also often hides information and internal settings in order to avoid being leaked.
  • Inheritance: as its name implies, the inheritance process of object oriented development inherits layers of data. For example, parent layers of data will share information and methods to their child layers of data. As a result, child layers can inherit and add more new components for themselves. Some of the most popular types of inheritance: single inheritance, multiple inheritance, multilevel inheritance, and hierarchical inheritance.
  • Polymorphism: polymorphism in object oriented development allows different functions performed on different objects.
  • Abstraction: concentrates on the core objects, ignoring irrelevant and unimportant things.

3. Advantages and disadvantages of object oriented development

In general, every software is not perfect because it maintains both pros and cons. Therefore, we will present both features so that you can have an objective viewpoint.
OOP advantages and disadvantages

3.1. Advantages

First of all, we will explain reasons why you should choose object oriented development life cycle with some of its strengths.

  • Object oriented development has the ability to model complex things into simpler structures.
  • Users can reuse OOP code, thereby saving resources.
  • Manage code easily whenever there are changes in the program.
  • Fixing errors is made easy and fast by finding bugs in (pre-structured) classes that are simpler.
  • Object oriented development in software engineering is high security, and safe information protection through packaging.
  • Can easily expand and develop projects according to needs.
  • The ability to maintain and adjust the program is both fast and efficient.
  • Increase productivity, simplify maintenance complexity, and expand the software.

3.2. Disadvantages

Regardless of the fortes we have mentioned above, there are several weaknesses maintaining.
  • Object oriented development can cause data to be processed separately, which means that when the data structure changes, the algorithm changes accordingly.
  • No automatic initialization, or dynamic data release.
  • It is not possible to describe the system in reality completely and truthfully.

4. Object oriented development in software engineering

There are a total of 5 most popular languages when it comes to OOP object oriented programming, including Java, C++, PHP, Python and Javascript. Each language integrates countless outstanding advantages, ensuring intelligent operation suitable for different software and applications for programmers. To be specific:

4.1. Java

Due to its prominence in the industry since it was initially introduced in 1995 as the core component of the Sun Microsystems Java platform, Java is another top language for programming in object oriented development. Java is frequently used in the object oriented application development. Java is regarded as the top object oriented development by several of the largest institutions in the world, including Citigroup, Golman Sachs, Barclays, and Standard Chartered.
  • It can function on a range of platforms and domains.
  • Its APIs are very user-friendly and highly secure.
  • The capacity to use many platforms.
  • Stable programming

4.2. C++

C++ is a quick object oriented development language because it is one of the compiled programming languages. For programming systems and embedded systems, it is well-known. C++ is used in object oriented application development:
  • Increases the financial applications’ scalability, stability, and productivity.
  • It makes it easy to write efficient code, gives users more control over how programs manage their memory, and reduces the memory footprint.
  • C++ object oriented development has less runtime overhead, resulting in quicker response times and more precise quotes when compared.
  • To help financial apps stay secure and compliant with legal requirements, including robust security features.
  • A well-known programming language that is used to build complex blockchain-based financial infrastructure.

4.3. PHP

PHP stands for Personal Home Page which has now become Hypertext Preprocessor. The term is a form of code or a string of scripting languages used to develop web applications that run on a server. When PHP programmers write a program, the sequence of commands will be processed on the server and then generate HTML code on the client. Based on that, the applications on the website will work easily.
PHP helps users save money because it is free to download. Setting up and learning how to use this language is also easy, just over a period of 3 – 6 months.
  • PHP object oriented development is versatile because it can run on multiple operating systems such as Windows, Linux, macOS, etc. Moreover, PHP can also be combined with many other programming languages to build technological features efficiently.
  • PHP has a rich library system, high community: Due to the popularity of the PHP language, finding PHP-related code or function libraries will be extremely simple. Not to mention, you’ll get help from specialized PHP forums and teams that make learning or working easy.
  • Databases of PHP are various; therefore, users can connect it to almost all other databases such as mySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, MS-SQL,…

4.4. Python

Python is a popular programming language used in data research, machine learning, web applications, and software development. Python is a popular choice among developers for object oriented application development since it is effective, simple to learn, and compatible with a wide range of platforms. In addition, Python software speeds up development, is cost-free, and interfaces seamlessly with all kinds of systems. Python is a powerful object oriented development programming language that you cannot ignore.
  • Python object oriented application development is simple for developers to comprehend due to its straightforward English syntax.
  • It is knowledgeable about a wide range of industries, including data analytics, finance, and banking.
  • Even for beginners, its programming language is elementary.
  • Companies may increase the scope of their projects.

4.5. JavaScript

JavaScript is regarded as one of the best object oriented development in software engineering programming languages because it is frequently used for building websites and front-end applications. With JavaScript, developers can create more appealing and user-friendly websites for you, giving you a fantastic user experience.
  • Attackers find it difficult to access and spot fraud.
  • One of the greatest programming languages for object oriented development is JavaScript because of its excellent portability, interoperability, and scalability.
  • Boost the performance across platforms.
  • Having the capacity to process and analyze a significant volume of data.

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