All About Agile Processes In Software Engineering

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All About Agile Processes In Software Engineering

Agile processes in software engineering have gained in popularity and are widely used in a significant number of big tech firms all over the world. They are supposed to be effective alternatives for conventional software development waterfall. So why they are that favorable and popular? Take a look at this article below for more information.

1. What are agile processes in software engineering

Agile refers to a versatile software development method, which is applied to agile development in software engineering with an aim to bring products to customers as soon as possible. Naturally, agile processes in software engineering are like methodologies in software development based on iterative and incremental theories.
What is agile software development

2. Outstanding features of agile processes in software engineering

In reality, agile development in software engineering includes many features, but we have concluded some of the major ones with the most easy-to-understand explanation for both freshers and juniors.
Features of agile software development
  • Iterative: Projects are proceeding in repetitive iteration or sprint with short periods of time (1-4 weeks). In each iteration, the methodologies in the software development team perform essential tasks such as planning, analysis, design, deployment, and testing to produce small pieces of the product.
  • Incremental and Evolutionary: At the end of the agile processes in software engineering segments, there will be subsections of the final product, which is adequate most of the time, able to run efficiently, fully tested, and usable. Over time, segments follow one another; therefore, the workable parts will be accumulated gradually until it meets the demanding requirements of customers. The product in an agile project is developed over time, growing until it is ready for release, which is different from the software development waterfall.
  • Adaptive: Changes in agile processes in software engineering development (requirements of change, technology changes, changes in the objective, etc are completely demanded.
  • Short feedback and adaptive loop: Changes in development, planning, or adjustments can be made quickly since segments only last for short periods of time. In addition, responding to and changing other customer requirements can be quick if the customer is involved in the agile processes in software engineering development.
  • Regular and effective communication: It is advisable to communicate face to face on a regular basis rather than through documents, or papers. Development teams are often small-sized. As a result, communication becomes more simple and promotes effective operation.
  • Quality-oriented: One of the major requirements of agile processes in software engineering is quality assurance. There are various tools and techniques used to orient software quality such as Continuous Integration, Automation Unit Testing, Pair Programming, Test-driven development, and Code Refactoring.
  • Value-based development: “Software runs efficiently is the major measure of the process”. This theory helps the team make an effort to succeed and can skip work that doesn’t add value to the product.

3. Advantages and disadvantages of agile processes in software engineering

If you are wondering if you should choose agile software development for your business, find out the answer with the benefits and drawbacks here.

3.1. Advantages

In 2020, VersionOne conducted a survey on agile implementation and obtained the following report:
In addition to that, a report of CHAOS conducted by Standish Group in 2015 showed that the proportion of success of agile projects was 3 times as much as conventional projects (software development waterfall). Reasons why you should choose agile processes in software engineering.
  • Versatility: If you have a basic knowledge of agile theories, you can learn a lot of agile knowledge such as Lean Startup, Scrum, Kanban, etc. Furthermore, changes can be taken easily in any stage of the project because it is divided into smaller and non-interdependent parts.
  • Creativity: Based on versatility, agile processes in software engineering promote individuals and teams to work more efficiently, which leads to creativity and stepping out the comfort zone.
  • It is unnecessary to keep up with the news from the beginning. Therefore, it is suitable for projects that do not have a clear end goal, as this is not necessary in the early stages.
  • Faster deliverables: Breaking projects down allows the agile processes in software engineering team to test pieces, identify and fix issues faster, resulting in more consistent and successful handovers.
  • Pay attention to customer and user feedback: Both customers and end users have the opportunity to contribute ideas and feedback, thereby having a powerful and positive influence on the final product.
  • Continuous improvement: Agile processes in software engineering encourage team members and customers to provide their own feedback, so that different stages of the end product can be tested and improved as many times as needed.

3.2. Disadvantages

In spite of the considerable aforementioned advantages, methodologies in software development maintain several obvious disadvantages.

  • Hard to develop a plan: You may find it difficult to determine the exact time when the final products are handed over because projects are divided into smaller and non-interdependent parts.
  • Must instruct and well train: Agile processes in software engineering methods are more complex than software development waterfall methods. They need to be under instruction and training so that they can have deep knowledge of methodologies in software development, especially at the beginning of the projects.
  • Fewer documentaries: Suitable documentaries are often ignored because agile has many changes, which brings about inability to determine expectations and finished products from the beginning.
  • Operation is compulsory in order to be successful: Agile processes in software engineering require the commitment of time from both sides during the project, which is different from other organizational structures.High cost: Agile development in software engineering costs are much higher than other methodologies in software development.

4. Agile processes in software engineering life cycle model

The product development stages are broken down into specific user-interactive increments. As a result, the product will get the feedback it needs to avoid serious problems and get better. In addition, this iterative product management in agile processes in software engineering allows the team to move on to another growth while the problems of the current growth are resolved. Key stages of agile software development life cycle model.

Agile software development life cycle model
  • Project requirements: This stage is widely known as the envision stage, related to outlining vision of users and ROI assessment. Before drawing on projects, owners should outline the initial requirements including targets and functions that the system can or can not support.
  • Design: This is the speculative phase of software development in agile processes. Agile processes in software engineering can use two approaches at this stage which are software design and user interface design.
  • Implementation: Development and Coding is the longest phase because it is involved in writing code and transforming requirements into an available system.
  • Testing: Allows developers to make sure that system is not errored and compatible with previous codes.
  • Evolution: The team develops agile processes in software engineering software to servers or customers to bring it into use or market.
  • Assessment: Once the development phase is complete, the customer or the software owner meets with the software development team again to evaluate the software against the requirements that were originally set. The team can also suggest problems encountered in the previous period to the owner.

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